Using SCAMP’s Docker image

Rather than building from scratch you can run SCAMP via nvidia-docker using the prebuilt image on dockerhub.

The docker image uses an ideal environment for SCAMP and builds the project with a new compiler, both CPU/GPU performance should be optimal in the docker container.

The docker image is useful if you want to utilize SCAMP in a distributed environment and start Linux VMs which can run SCAMP as needed.

In order to expose the host GPUs nvidia-docker must be installed correctly. Please follow the directions provided on the nvidia-docker github page. The following example uses docker 19.03 functionality:

docker pull zpzim/scamp:latest
docker run --gpus all \
  --volume /path/to/host/input/data/directory:/data \
  --volume /path/to/host/output/directory:/output \
  zpzim/scamp:latest /SCAMP/build/SCAMP \
    --window=<window_size> --input_a_file_name=/data/<filename> \
    --output_a_file_name=/output/<mp_filename> \